23 Crosses: The Jesus One

By Pastor Wilson

This year I’m writing a devotional series based on the 23 Crosses that hang on our family’s cross wall at our home. Each unique cross serves to uniquely remind us of the love of God for us in Christ. I pray that these devotions will remind you of the same. Each devotion will also be printed in our monthly Trinity Newslines.

In the Ancient Roman world, crosses were a symbol of death. A grueling, terrible, horrible form of execution reserved for the very worst criminals. In this way, the cross was an image of fear- similar perhaps to how firing squads, guillotines, or electric chairs have been viewed over the ages as well.

In modern times the cross isn’t seen in the same way. In fact, many today in our world view the cross not about death, but about fashion. Crosses have become a fashionable thing to wear in jewelry or on clothing- and many view it as nothing more than something that looks nice. But is that all that the cross is about? Once a symbol of death and now a symbol of fashion? There has to be more to it than just that.

I appreciate this cross that hangs on our cross wall because it reminds us of what the cross is really about. It reminds us of why the cross is truly important. This small wooden cross is from Costa Rica. And while you might miss it at first, on second glance you notice that the cross has a name carved into its shape- Jesus.

For Jesus is exactly what the cross is about for us as Christians. Once an image of death, Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty of our sins in our place, and by so doing He “abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (2 Timothy 1:10b). Thus, Jesus conquered death by His death and resurrection from the grave so that all who believe in Him would not perish, but instead would have everlasting life. That’s why the cross has so much meaning to us as Christians. For it reminds us of Jesus our Savior and what He has done and won for us there.

And so, when we consider the crosses in this devotional series or as you reflect on the crosses you wear or have at home or see at church- let us never forget what they are truly about. They’re not the symbol of death they once were, and they’re not merely a fashionable item to wear, but rather the cross is something that should always and forever remind us of Jesus- whose victory on the cross has conquered death and gives us life in Him for all time.

Andrew Wilson