23 Crosses: The Home Ones

This year I’m writing a devotional series based on the 23 Crosses that hang on our family’s cross wall at our home. Each unique cross serves to uniquely remind us of the love of God for us in Christ. I pray that these devotions will remind you of the same. Each devotion will also be posted on our blog at TrinityZanesville.org.

These two small crosses on our wall are both different and yet they share a similar message- and so it is fitting to consider them together here. We’ll call them the Home Ones for they each feature a blessing of a home.

The words on each cross are taken from the 1927 song “Bless This House” written by Helen Taylor and later sung by the likes of Doris Day and Perry Como.

The silver cross on the left is adorned with a fleur de lis at each point and was gifted to our family by my Uncle and Aunt. The wooden cross on the right is in the shape of a Greek cross (with two pieces of equal length.) It hung in Brianna’s parents’ home before it was shared with us.

While we certainly do pray that God would bless our house and family, we also pray regularly that He would do the same for you. To bless you and all your relationships in your home- whether that is of a husband and wife, a parent and their children, or any number of different relationships that exist under our roofs. Thanks be to God that He has blessed us with these relationships and that He gives us the love, patience, and understanding to care for and build each other up in our homes too.  

But even more than the blessings of a harmonious home that we pray for, I thank God for the House that He has built for us in Christ. If you remember back to last Christmas Eve, we heard in church the passage from 2 Samuel chapter seven where David was sharing his plans to build a house for the Lord. In return the Lord reminds David of all that He had done for him, and what He would yet do. Then at the end of verse 11 we read this, “Moreover, the Lord declares to you that the Lord will make you a house.” And the text goes on to tell us that this house would be built through a descendant of David and that it would stand forever and ever.

Brothers and sisters, no matter what houses we are each blessed to live in, the greatest blessing to us comes not from any home built with bricks, sticks, or metal. Rather the greatest blessing we could ever receive is that the Lord has built for us a House through the descendant of David and our Savior- Jesus the Christ. And even more, God has invited us into that House through our baptisms into Christ! Because that is true, we are assured that in that House of Faith we will always be loved and cared for- not only here and now, but for all time to come and forevermore.

Thanks be to God for the places He gives us to live in now, but even more, thanks be to God that in Jesus- God has made for us an Eternal Home that will never fade away.