23 Crosses: The Heart One

This year I’m writing a devotional series based on the 23 Crosses that hang on our family’s cross wall at our home. Each unique cross serves to uniquely remind us of the love of God for us in Christ. I pray that these devotions will remind you of the same. Each devotion will also be posted on our blog at TrinityZanesville.org.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16


            When the calendar turns to the month of February the decorations of our world turn to hearts in honor of Valentine’s Day. Often in February our attention at church turns to the season of Lent. In some ways it may seem like these are two seasons that don’t have much in common. 

One would say, “love is in the air” – while the other leads us to sing songs about “the blood of beasts.” One would lead us to think of sweethearts, while the other leads us to think of a gruesome death on a cross. One would call us to purchase cards and chocolates, while the other would call us to repent of our sins. No- it doesn’t seem like Valentine’s Day and the Season of Lent would have much to talk about at a dinner party. And yet, when I look at this cross that hangs on our wall, it makes me think that Lent could teach Valentine’s Day a thing or two about what love really is.

This cross at first glance is a rough one- made of worn heavy nails tied together in the shape of a cross. The nails look like they had another use before they were fashioned into this piece of art. It makes me think of the nails that were driven into Jesus’ hands and feet so that He would stay on the cross. There’s no doubt about it, this isn’t a sanitized commercial cross. And yet- when we look at it again, perhaps we see something else too. For in front of this hard cross- another piece of black metal has been hammered, and shaped, and fixed upon it. And that piece… is in the shape of a heart.

No, this isn’t a Valentine’s Day cross- but it is a cross of love. For it reminds me that God sent Jesus His Son to die on the cross for you and me for one main reason… because God loves you. But don’t take my word for it- trust in the Word that we hear in scripture’s most famous verse, John 3:16. “For God so loved the world,” (that means you and me) “that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” God showed us His love at the cross- not through a Valentine card, a sweet gift, or anything like it- but rather God showed us His love through the sacrifice of His Son- so that you wouldn’t be lost, but that you would be forgiven and free in Him instead. That’s the love that God has shown to us in Christ and that’s the love that He has called us to share with those around us too.

So, this February and as we begin anew the season of Lent later this month- I pray that you would be thinking about love. But not only the kind of love that is written on greeting cards or shared with flowers, but rather the love that God has shown to you and me so clearly at the cross of Jesus our Savior.