Masks of Love

By Pastor Wilson

We have now been able to celebrate four Sundays of in-person worship at Trinity safely and faithfully. What a blessing it has been to return to in-person worship together with so many of you. This step in our gradual return process wouldn’t have been possible without the help and planning of so many individuals at Trinity. While they are too many to name here, I want to make sure that each of you know how much your work and efforts are appreciated by me and your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ at Trinity.

            I also want to thank our congregation for their continued patience and Christian love shown through this gradual process of returning to a sense of normalcy at church. I know that our current Sunday morning schedule of four socially-distanced services of 50 people or less is far from our normal routine, but it is a step in the right direction while lovingly sacrificing some of the things we usually do in order to keep each other safe. Thank you for reflecting Christ’s love to each other through your patience, sacrifice, and care.

            One visible way you have been doing that is by wearing a mask during your time at church if your health allows it. That’s why you wear it, don’t you? It’s certainly not because they are comfortable or easy to breath in. And even though I’ve seen some snappy face coverings at church, I don’t think you’re wearing them because they are so fashionable! I also don’t think you’re wearing them because you only care about yourself. I’ve heard several medical professionals talk about the benefits of face coverings. They have said that unless you have a medical grade mask, your face covering won’t keep you from catching something- but by wearing a covering you can significantly reduce the chance of someone catching something from you. And isn’t that why we wear them? Because God has given you love in your hearts to love and care for each other- even when it means making sacrifices yourself. Through the Holy Spirit at work in your hearts, you are following Paul’s instructions in Philippians 2:4, “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” And though we all fail at this exact thing far more times than we would like to admit- in the next verses Paul points us to the One who never has. Jesus. Who humbled Himself even unto death on a cross for you… so that we would have life, forgiveness, and His love for those around us.

            We won’t always have to wear them, and I know that we will rejoice when the threat from our current pandemic passes and masks won’t be the universal style choice anymore. But until then, may we keep loving and caring for each other as best we can- out of the love that God has shown for you in Jesus Christ our Savior.

Andrew Wilson